Games Are Available for It?
This is a touchy subject because of copyright law.
I have personally created a very nice board for Avalon Hill's Tactics 2. Of
course I can't and won't freely distribute this for obvious reasons (who'd want
it anyway?). I own the actual Tactics 2 board game and so did my opponent so
this was OK.
- In recent years Limey Yanks Games has
become THE central place to obtain CyberBoard GameBoxes.
- You can find additional CyberBoard information on the CyberBoard Wiki.
- Japan based War Zone C has
an impressive
list of GameBoxes.
- One of the more artistic sources of CyberBoard Gameboxes is
Pokke's web site. Pokke is
the person responsible for the wonderful graphics and the look and feel of
this web site. He also created the icons used by the CyberBoard program.
- An excellent site containing a large list of GameBoxes for use
with CyberBoard is Yankee Air Pirates.
This site has been migrating to Limey Yanks
- Walt O'Hara has created The Play By Email Emporium
site which is another excellent site dedicated to PBEM gaming using tools
such as CyberBoard.
- Chris Dodd created a small free
wargame called Battle for Moscow.
If you would like to get started in wargaming, give it a try.
See the Web Grognard's site for rules
of this small introductory wargame.
