What Operating Systems
Does CyberBoard Run On?
WIndows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
What are Its Features?
CyberBoard attempts to emulate real life game components (boards, pieces, markers...).
Game Box files hold the boards, pieces, markers etc. Scenario files contain
the starting situation of a particular game. Game files hold the current state
of a game as well as its entire history of play.
- A Game Designer Program is used to actually design the components
of a game.
- A Game Player Program is used to create scenarios and actually play the
PBEM game.
Overall Program Features:
- Dockable trays and markers.
- Window tabs that allow direct selection of open windows.
- New Windows XP menu style with icons.
- Customizable tool bars.
Game Designer Program Features:
- 65536 color (aka 16 bit color 5-6-5 format) support.
- Greatly improved color palette window.
- GameBox files support internal compression of bitmap images. The GameBox file size can now be greatly reduced.
Multiple levels of compression are supported.
- GameBox files cab be password protected.
- Graphical bitmap editor for manipulating tiles. A global transparent color
can be defined to allow non-rectangular tiles.
- Free form graphics editor for drawing lines, rectangles, ellipses, and polygons.
- A playing board can be viewed in one of three sizes: full scale, half scale
and small scale.
- Board editing is done on three drawing layers: A grid layer is sandwiched between two free form drawing layers.
- Create two sided playing pieces.
- Create graphical marker tiles for marking various things during game play.
- Boards can use Hex grids (two varieties), brick grids, and rectangular grids.
The grid lines can be hidden.
- Snap grids.
- Other stuff...
Game Player Program Features:
- Playing boards can be rotated by 180 degrees during play.
- The message history window is now stand-alone and can be docked.
- Message history text is now color coded.
- Playback functionality has been greatly improved.
- New game files by default render locked objects underneath other
non-locked pieces and markers.
- All three zoom levels are available in the player program.
- Ability to associate text with pieces and markers.
- Supports hidden units and player specific game files.
- Playing piece and maker trays now support several visibility and behavior options.
- Pieces and markers can now be locked so they can't be selected.
- Supports geomorphic construction of boards having hex style cells.
- Supports shuffling (randomizing) pieces in trays and on the playing board. Useful for playing cards.
- The game player program now remembers the layout of open windows within games and scenarios. The layout is restored
when the file is reloaded.
- Die roller.
- A scenario designer allows you to layout the starting positions of a game,
define which game boards, and which playing pieces are to be used. The pieces
that are to be in play are placed in trays or on a board. Trays are defined
in the scenario files. All game play starts with a Scenario file.
- Moves are exchanged in small files that contain the recorded move so they
can be EMailed to your opponents.
- Auto stacking of pieces.
- Flipping two sided pieces.
- Rotation of playing pieces and graphical markers to indicating facings.
- Compound moves.
- Two popup windows are available for manipulating playing piece trays.
- A single marker popup window is available for accessing graphical board markers.
- Allows plotted moves so your opponents can see the exact path taken when
you moved your pieces.
- Text messages can be sent any time while you're recording your moves.
- Maintains the entire history of a game.
- Other stuff...
