How can I get
Just click on the link below.
*** Please
Read This ***
CyberBoard is offered free-of-charge to anyone who wishes to use it. However,
if you find that CyberBoard proves to be a valuable addition to your gaming
tools, please consider making a donation.
Click here for more information about donating.
The file is a self-extracting ZIP file. If your Web browser
prompts you to either "Open" or "Save" the file, choose
"Save" and save it onto your hard disk. You can then double-click
on the file to unpack it to a folder of your choosing.

Click Here to Download CyberBoard
[Version 3.10 -- 1.5 MB]

The file format of GameBoxes, Scenarios and Games HAVE changed!
Your existing files will be upgraded by using the new version of the software.
Please save your original files if you wish to continue to use earlier versions
of Cyberboard.
The following earlier versions can be downloaded:
Version 1.12 and Version 2.00.
Obligatory Apologies
I'm sorry about the following:
- The help file is incomplete. However, that doesn't
mean it's worthless. There is valuable information in the file. As more content
is added I will make it available as a separate download on this web site.

Please Support

CyberBoard ™